Wednesday 25 July 2012

Please help Lila

Please join me in supporting Lila. Her mum is a friend of mine. Please share this link where ever you can:
Lila Tjader Support & Wellness Fund

Lila's mum is one of a small group of women who I met on-line two years ago when my waters broke early with Orson. During my 10 weeks of modified bedrest I would log on to a support group several times a day and chat with these women who were all going through exactly the same as me in dufferent parts of the world. After Orson died we stayed in touch and still chat on-line most days. Some of us lost babies but some like Lila survived.

Lila is now almost two years old and has cerebral palsy caused by her premature birth (her mum's waters broke around the same gestation as mine and Lila was born at around the same gestation as Orson). Her mother is trying to raise money to allow her to have hippotherapy (therapy with horses) to help strengthen her muscles so that she may one day sit, stand, and even walk unassisted. The therapy will hopefully have massive impact on her life.

You can also follow Lila on her Facebook page: Love for Lila Facebook Page

Thanks so much.

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